Rheebok Bricks Product Quality

Rheebok Bricks strives to produce a quality strong brick.  Our product range has a wide variety but to simplify what bricks you need for the project you want to build we have a short summary.

NFP – Non Face Plaster
Suitable for general building that is to be plastered

NFX – Non Face Extra
Suitable for use plastered or unplastered for general building work below damp-proof course or under damp conditions or below ground level where durability rather than aesthetics is the criteria for selection.

RRED – Rheebok RED Clinker
Suitable for use plastered or unplastered for general building work below damp-proof course or under damp conditions or below ground level where durability rather than aesthetics is the criteria for selection.  Mainly used as a Semi Face brick.

MAXI  NFP- Maxi Non Face Plaster
Suitable for general building that is to be plastered

MAXI NFX-Maxi Non Face Extra
Suitable for use plastered or unplastered for general building work below damp-proof course or under damp conditions or below ground level where durability

MAXI – Rheebok RED Clinker
Suitable for use plastered or unplastered for general building work below damp-proof course or under damp conditions or below ground level where durability rather than aesthetics is the criteria for selection.  Mainly used as a Semi Face brick